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Get flexible access to a better workspace
with a Devon Work Hubs hot desk

If you’re looking for a new way to work, whether to escape the distractions of the home office or to find a new community of like-minded professionals, a hot desk membership at a Devon Work Hub near you is the perfect choice. Simply choose the Hub that suits your needs from our collection of 24 spread across Devon and join as a hot desk member, giving you the chance to use a desk in the workspace on a completely flexible basis.

Why choose hot desking?

Hot desks are the perfect workspace for one. Ultimately flexible, a hot desk workspace membership gives you the opportunity to secure a more productive, affordable, and connected work-life. With a hot desk membership at one of our Hubs, you can pop in for an hour or stay for a week – you get complete control over when you use our workspace and save money by not having to pay for full time access. Some of our Hubs also offer dedicated desks – hot desks that you pay to reserve on a monthly basis so you always know it’ll be available for you.


Hot desk use is completely flexible, meaning you can make use of your chosen workspace as much or as little as you like.


As a hot desk member, you only pay for what you use, meaning you can save money versus having a permanent workspace.


While the details vary by Hub, a hot desk membership usually gets you access to all the workspace amenities, including meeting rooms.

Hear from our members

"A fabulously stylish space which smacks of contemporary creative muses, coupled with all the comforts an office should have - coffee, tea, fridge, WiFi and a working printer. Its a warm, light space in a delightful part of the village with plenty of space in the car parks and very easy to travel to."